Tuesday, April 29, 2014

12 Days After Surgery

Sooooo…….I know some of you are wondering……..I’M DOING GREAT!!

12 days after the surgery and today is the 1st day I haven’t taken any pain medicine! Truth be told, I probably haven’t needed any for a few days, but I wanted to be sure. So, if you see me driving around town……don't worry: the general public is safe. I certainly have some soreness from time to time, ESPECIALLY if Judd tries to crawl on my stomach. Overall though, there’s no real pain.  I get tired and winded a little easier but that’s to be expected. I’m not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds, so not being able to pick Juddy up is probably the most difficult part of it all. Of course, I’ve done it a few times…….like when he cries out “Momma”, HOW CAN I RESIST?!

Last Thursday, I received the final pathology report from the tumors removed. I must admit, I was a little “down” on the day I was supposed to receive the news. I figured it was better to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. I just didn’t want to set myself up to be too disappointed if the news wasn’t good (AGAIN!).

Well, the news was GOOD!

My lung cancer was confirmed as a primary lung cancer. The tumor was 1cm in size and the margins were clear, as well as the many lymph nodes on and around my lung. The staging is 1A.  Whoop Whoop! No extra treatment is necessary. Secondly, my kidney was confirmed as renal cell carcinoma, which was what we expected. This type is the 3rd most common type of RCC called chromophobe. Strange name and only like 5% of RCC are this type. The tumor was about 8cm in size so that makes it a stage T20…..stage 2 in layman’s terms. Also, no extra treatment will be needed for the kidney. Overall, for each individual cancer, the prognosis was good. Both cancers are gone! I have 7 small battle wounds to prove it! Praise The Lord for some great news! I celebrated with a glass of wine that night….it was my doctor’s orders after all. Who knew someone could be so happy about having THREE different CANCERS at the SAME TIME…well, it’s possible! Just to clarify, one last time… my breast cancer did NOT spread to any of those sites…each cancer is separate. This is why this is all such great news.

Today, I met with my oncologist here in Ocala, Dr. Reynolds. I officially have an appointment to start chemotherapy on Monday, May the 12th!  I also have a head MRI scheduled for this Friday. The MRI is basically for peace of mind. I do not have any symptoms that lead the doctors to believe that I have anything in my brain, but none of the scans thus far showed the brain, so we want to be safe. Before I start chemo, I will have a port placed. I decided to have that done in Ocala with Dr. Galanaro. It is an outpatient surgery and I would rather not have to drive home from Moffitt after the procedure. I am still waiting on an appointment for that, but I imagine it will be next week.

Soooo…….yeah………that’s whatsup! Thank you so much for everything that each of you have done for me. Ross and I pretty much shake our head in disbelief each night at your generosity.  

That’s all for now…….I’m going to have a glass of wine!


P.S.  How’s this for my next profile picture?

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