Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spontaneity - Part 2

This post is a “sequel” of sorts to my post about spontaneity a few weeks back. With that said, I’m already feeling the pressure. There’s nothing worse than a sequel that falls short.

Ever seen Ocean’s 12? Yeah, quite disappointed with the epiphany that Julia Roberts’ character “looks like Julia Roberts”.

Have you seen an Indiana Jones post 1989? Yep, the studio should've just lit some money on fire. 
Karate Kid 2? Crap!   (Though long live Mr. Miyagi!!!)
Dumb and DumberER? A Complete Embarrassment.

While I’m on the subject of sequels: You mean to tell me Fast and Furious is worthy of 17 volumes, yet we don’t have a sequel to Ferris Bueller? This is a tragedy!

My sincere apologies. I really need to get back on topic.

So a few weeks back we’re walking along St. Pete Beach. Abs and I were enjoying the stroll. Judd was just a few feet ahead of us with his typical routine:

Run about 20 feet…..dig in the sand…..pick his nose…..Repeat.

With about a week to go until Abby’s first Chemo Treatment, I made a spontaneous vow:

Lets go away at least ONE weekend in between your chemo treatments.

(Basically….one weekend a month for the next 4 months)

I know, I know….this is certainly not a groundbreaking proclamation. But let me pontificate for a bit. Abs and I cannot say enough how humbled we are by the offerings and gifts that have been given to us. We simply cannot say thank you enough. At the same time, we recognize that every penny that’s been given to us is a sacrifice by somebody else. We feel a great responsibility to do the right thing with your hard earned offering.

So, where am I going? I’ve been troubled over the last few weeks at how it would be “perceived” if Abs and me were traveling on the weekends and clearly doing some fun things that come at a cost. Yes indeed, I always overthink EVERYTHING.

So Sunday morning we’re sitting in the early service at Meadowbrook Church. Pastor Tim Gilligan was on fire as always. This week’s message was about praying for yourself. Sure enough he said something that hit home…..

“Do you want God to tell you his will? Just ask for it!”

And sure enough, He told me right there. Take the trips. Do them on a strict budget. Take pictures. Share the experience with Team Jones. Enjoy the good times.

So there you have it…..a minor glimpse into the mind of Ross Jones. It’s best we don’t go any further so as not to induce mass panic and hysteria.

So where have our journeys taken us?

1. St. Pete Beach (see pictures on the What’s Good post)
2. Clearwater, FL (Thanks to a free condo from family friends – Imagine wine and cheese on your 11th floor balcony overlooking the beach. Oh yeah!
3. Most Recent - Gaylord Palms Resort, Orlando

I’ll share pictures and stories along the way. We know we’ve got another St. Pete Beach trip soon. Apollo Beach, Sarasota, and Long Boat Key (A buddy’s 30th birthday) will likely round out the tour. In the meantime, here are some stories and pictures from our trip to the Gaylord Palms…….

Me: Hey buddy, when you finish lunch, do you want to go to Orlando?
Judd's Face: Uhh…..where the heck is that?

The lobby and atrium at the Gaylord Palms are incredible. Are you under age 5? Or perhaps is your maturity under age 5? Visit this place. Judd literally roamed the "rainforest" for over an hour. We just can't get this sort of excitement at home.

We visited the Gaylord for it's pool. Picture a waterpark "out back" from your hotel. Kids were having a blast. Parents were having a blast. Sure, I left my doctor a voicemail requesting a Tuberculosis shot when I saw how many kids were in the pool. Regardless, we had a blast. 

One Day, Son

Our morning hotel routine includes coffee, setting up Elmo for Judd, and breakfast in bed. 
Just living the dream

Judd enjoyed ketchup on his fries for the first time in his life. What follows here is the greatest Before and After EVER caught on camera.

We had a great time. We needed it. When we left the hotel, Judd fell asleep within minutes. Abs dozed off too. I caught this while stopped at a red-light. Hair intact. Power bracelets in full force. Breast cancer pillow in tight embrace. 

Keep on truckin Abs! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Latest and Greatest

Hi Friends,

Just a quick update on me……I’m doing well! My first infusion was a breeze; it was just a very long day. I still felt good the day after the treatment. Then, the next 2 days were filled with nausea, but not awful. Not that anyone reading this post has ever indulged a little bit too much on wine. BUT, imagine what you feel like the morning after. That’s my best description of what it’s like. By Friday of last week, I was feeling good again and have felt good ever since.  I wouldn’t say I feel 100%, but I would say that I’m pretty close. I wake up a feeling like a zombie most mornings. Luckily though, I have plenty of spare time on my hands to rest and feel normal again.

Last Monday, I went back to see my oncologist and to have blood work done. All was good. They check my blood to make sure my body is handling the therapy regimen well. If so, I can proceed with my next infusion on time.  Since all was well, my next chemo dose will be June the 2nd.

In the meantime, I finally got an appointment with a genetic counselor. I’ve been trying to get an appointment for a month now and apparently, it’s a busy place!  I just randomly called at the right time, and magically, they had an opening come available for next Tuesday!  So you may be wondering, what the heck does that mean? Well, as I’m sure you know by now, my case is somewhat an anomaly. Doctors are certain that I have some type of genetic mutation that is producing these cancerous tumors. Genetic testing needs to be done to verify this theory. Even if I do end up having a genetic mutation, there is nothing available to reverse this problem at this present time. However, medicine is always evolving.  Needless to say, I am praying for just BAD LUCK! I will most likely always be paranoid that this viscous cycle will roar it’s ugly head again; and if I have a mutated gene, I will live my life under a magnifying glass. On the bright side though, the one thing I can say with certainty is that I serve a powerful God, who continues to give me peace and strength for whatever may come my way.



P.S.   Yes, I still have my hair. Hair usually starts to shed closer to the 2nd treatment. I’m just hoping I didn’t look this crazy for nothing…..

P.P.S    Judd seems to be feeling good already!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dear Abby,

I know you want to celebrate today, but I also know you are anxious because the Chemo starts tomorrow. Your “Cold Caps” are prepped and ready, plus they really look easy to use. I believe in the past results and have great confidence they will be successful preserving the hair that “had me at hello”. But, if we find they’re not working, let me assure you of several things.

Your girlfriends don’t love you for the red locks. They love you because you listen. Because you ask questions and because you’re goofy. Because on the night when they’re being crazy at CityWalk, they know you will get them on that boat and back to the hotel. Because you’re consistent and always there. Because you remembered what it's like to be a New Mom and you helped your fellow New Mom. Because you LOVE to talk and because when you really let loose you yell things like “Can a sista get a PB&J?!?!” It was never the hair.

Loyalty > Distance

I looked for a photo of you and Quinn's mom everywhere…..settled for one with your  kid spittin game on her daughter

My buddies didn’t accept you all these years as “one of the guys” because of the red locks. They love you because you’re nosy. Because you’ll go out on the dance floor with them and “break it down”. Because you always ask if they’ve “got any new ladies?” and, if not, you always endorse match.com as an option. Because you tell it like it is. Because you’re fun and because you genuinely love them.

I have several questions about this later
On the left: Stud…In the middle: Smokin Hott….On the right: Dweeb

Either the straw is AMAZINGLY placed, or Bobby grew a sweet stache!

Your family doesn’t love and admire you because of the red locks. They love you because you put family first and have NEVER missed a Finger Family Reunion. Because you’ve always been cool. Because you love to laugh and because you give a great hug each time you see them. It was never the hair.

And trust me, your nieces could care less too. They love you because you’ll be crazy and play with them. Because you love to give them AWESOME birthday and Christmas presents. Because you’ll stay up late with them and annoy them early in the morning. Because they know you love them like your own and that you were there on day 1. Because you’re cool Aunt Abby.  

It’s not the red hair that makes your sisters drop everything on a dime in order to be there for you. They do it because you’re the baby. Because they see both of themselves in you. Because they’d trade places with you in a second if they could. Because you love them unconditionally. It was never the hair.

Your parents (and the parents In-Law) aren’t proud of you for your layers, bangs, or highlights. They’re proud because you have ALWAYS made them proud. Because you’ve always done the right thing. Because you gave them a grandson. Because you are strong and because they prayed for you long before your arrival.

Judd loves you because you’re the first face he sees EVERY Day. Because you were the first face he EVER saw. Because you let him splash you in the bath. Because you snuggle with him in the mornings. Because you dance to Elmo Sing-Along songs. Because you brush his teeth and pack his lunch. Because you can’t sleep until he sleeps. Because you’re Momma. It was never the hair.

I love you because I always have, and I always will. Because you challenge me (and because you kind of scare the heck out of me). Because of those times when it’s just us and we are literally laughing so hard about something my stomach hurts. Because you let me play golf AND because you know you have to at least watch The Masters, Open, Open, and PGA. Because you make me cook. Because we became friends in freshmen “homeroom” and I knew I had to marry you. Because you didn’t dump me the first time I accidentally “tooted” in front of you. Because of that day on the beach in St. Martin, and because we’ll ALWAYS have the night we drank sangria and ate Tapas outside on a spring Barcelona night. Because you’re my binge TV partner. Because you made me a Dad, and because the inside of my ring says Forever 04-12-2008. It was never the hair.

Damn I love you.

The next 4-5 months will challenge you and test your strength. We know you are ready and that this will all fly by. Focus on the important stuff and trust God with the stuff that may (or may not) need to grow back. On behalf of every friend, sister, coworker, parent, Aunt, Uncle, Step-sibling, Sibling-in-law, neighbor, patient, niece, or anyone else whom loves you in Ocala or beyond…..Remember……

It Was Never The Hair.

Happy Mother's Day. 

-All of Us

(P.S. BTW…..For me…..it was the skills on the dance floor. Whoa!)