Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There is always a reason to celebrate! (A special guest post from a great friend)

I was approached late last week to do a guest post on 29 and going to be fine. My first thought was that hopefully a guest post will put at bay Ross's constant inquiry to the blog I once wrote! Unfortunately, my blog couldn't keep up with life and so it stopped. Just like that, albeit much to my dismay. So now I am thankful and honored to be a part of this fabulous new blog - even if just for a brief and shining moment! 

Even though the creation of this blog was not the cheeriest of circumstances, friends and family are so thankful for the blog and the information it provides {also for the humor from Ross, details and facts from Abby, and poor grammar - sorry Juddy}. For me personally, it has been a huge help to provide comfort as I live a few hours away and long to be closer some days just so I could grab a quick mid-week lunch with Abby or take Judd out on a special playdate. And I can’t believe I’m going to admit this, but in this case technology is proven to be a positive force for connecting, sharing prayers/praises, and updates as we continue to lift the Jonses up during this fight! 

Recently I read a Facebook comment on one of Abby's posts near the beginning of the diagnosis. It was touching. It was the truth. In summary it said that Abby was really only an acquaintance in high school to this particular girl but she was going to pray for Abby’s battle because the thing that always stood out was that Abby was kind to her. And that was it, that four letter word, sent tears rolling down my face one night as I read it on my laptop. Because that's what Abby is...she is kind. Kind to all and therefore liked by all.

So if Ross does edit my wordy introduction...I at least want to tell you about a special weekend we had with dear friends. Our friend Alexis decided now, more than ever, it was time to get some long lost friends together! Our excuse to celebrate..."It's been entirely TOO long!" We met for brunch last Saturday morning at Arthur's at the Ocala Hilton. It was a wonderful group of friends - local and out of town - and we certainly missed the ones that couldn't join us that day. 

Many of us have known each other since at least kindergarten and have remained friends since, not always the closest of friends, but we did have one constant force between our relationships through the years...Abby. Our sweet, beautiful friend who originally brought many of us together.

We were all asked to bring our favorite thing under $5 and three of those items in tow. Some were fearful it was for an ice breaker of sorts {moi}, but alas it was just a fun gift exchange! We filled two gift bags with one each of our favorite items. One bag went to Abby {lucky!} and one was drawn and gifted to Sky {not fair!}. The third gift we each brought was numbered and paired with the number we each drew out of a box. We did go around and explain why we brought the items we did. I loved seeing all the unique items everyone brought…nail polish, coffee, flowers...I think they all fall into my favorite things category! 

Most of all we enjoyed being together and normal {if you can even call us normal!} - which means lots of laughter and reminiscing! It was so nice catching up in person after many years.  And we celebrated friendships and Abby. There is always a reason to celebrate! Oh, and we did enjoy recreating some really interesting photographs from our middle school days!

But before I officially sign off {might be my last chance at blogging for a while...again}, there is a stanza from a song of one of my favorite Broadway musicals that I relate to many of my friendships and want to share. 

So much of me

Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart

So no matter the distance {quick...who can continue the BSB lyric?!...}, I feel those words embody the relationship we all have with Abby - I know it certainly does for me. 

And one thing I was never good at during my blogging tenure was keeping it short. So now, on to the pictures!

abby and alexis

our favorite things!

sweet friends

abs and me

 danielle and abby
(danielle who has lived in louisianna and south carolina since high school)

abby and ana 
(ana moved to lakeland after middle school)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Finding Normal

So I came to a realization the other day. I already know what you may be thinking…..

1. Finally, Ross recognizes that it's time for a big boy haircut and he needs to drop his decade old "5 and a 2"…..Nope.

2. Yes! Ross is finally starting to see that Soccer is interesting……Wrong again.

3. Ok, Ross is finally realizing that we're not fooled by his shirts with tight sleeves. Clearly he doesn't workout……Never!

Those are all things I should probably submit to. But that's not the point of this post. A few weeks back I came to a more important realization. 


Now, let me elaborate a little bit. Abs is truly in the heat of the "fight" right now (more on this later). But, in between the fight, we've had a lot of stuff going on that convinced me we're re-finding normal.

FRIENDS: A few weeks back we had a double date with some longtime friends. Honestly, we probably haven't gone out just the four of us on a Friday night in two years. We've always had a bond with these friends because in our group we were the first to take the plunge into marriage and kids. Plus, our wives are truly thick as thieves. It was an awesome night and an epic meal. We didn't talk cancer. We talked about what a pain in the &*$ our kids can be. It felt normal.

We've had a several of these "awesome" times with friends in the last few weeks. A pool day in our friends backyard. A beer and youtube night at a friends house. Visits from "out of towners" and "trash talking" text threads for our upcoming friends Half Marathon weekend in November. 

Just last night we went and enjoyed a THREE HOUR dinner with friends at an epic steakhouse here in town. We talked about Abby's treatment for 10 minutes. We spent the remaining two hours and 50 minutes on food and wine (plus one interesting Public vs. Private school debate). Normal.

(Before I go on to the next topic, I've come to another realization as I'm writing this post. I'm really using the word "epic" too much. Somebody plan an intervention.)

PARENTHOOD: Abby is no longer restricted with Judd. She wasn't supposed to lift him for 6 weeks after her surgery. Those days are long gone and as you can see, she's making up for the lost time. I'm also trying to make the most of the long days by taking Judd to the golf course at night when I get home from work. If the weather is good, I text Abby (NO Oprah, not while driving) and ask her to get Judd ready. I change my clothes real quick and off we go. We're back to trying to make our home life all about him….Normal.

MARRIAGE: Ok, I'll admit it. I treated Abs with "kid gloves" the last few months. Considering all that she was going through, I could give her a break. That all ended this week when I went to throw something in the recycle bin and I FOUND THIS! Oh Hell No! The husband and wife battles have returned. Normal. 

MINDI: We have an extended member of our family whom lives up in NYC. We had not seen her since last November until she came to visit a few weeks ago. It was just like old times for her and Abby as they hung out for a few days. Judd wore us out with repeating "Mini" while she was here. AND, he really missed her in the guest room when she was gone. COME BACK SOON.

Apparently this is fun?

GOLF: I am a self-admitted golf nut. It is truly the only hobby I've ever loved. Guess what…..try asking your wife to play golf on the weekends when she's battling breast cancer. Go ahead. I dare you. I'll apologize in advance for the black eye. Well, thankfully Abs has granted permission for me to play golf a few times over the last month. I've loved every minute, even if I'm currently sporting my B game. Just yesterday I enjoyed a day on the links with some of my golf buddies…. Normal. 

Much to my chagrin - The Winners

Partly because my partner kept missing the ball

BINGE TV: Our habit of binge watching TV is back in full effect. Season 2 of Orange is the New Black - Finished in 3 days. House of Cards - Done. Breaking Bad - currently in Season 1. Our nightly routine is putting Butthead Judd to sleep, quickly watching the news, then crashing on the couch for 2 or 3 episodes of our current show. There's no place I'd rather be. Normal. 

That's really the best snapshot I can give you into what's new. We're truly finding normal again and it's awesome. 

As for an update on Abby…….there's a saying sports writers use this time of year after the NBA Finals: THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER. This year is a little different because of the World Cup. BUT, usually the summer is a pretty dead time for sports. No football yet. Basketball is done. Baseball is yet to get interesting. Overall, there's just not much to write about that's fresh. 

The same is kind of true right now for Abby's progress. She's in THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER. I am so amazed at how well she is doing. As an up close observer, she is dominating the Physical. BUT, I can attest that she needs your prayers with the Mental. In fact, we've even stopped using a couple of words….

1. Starts with C, rhymes with Bemo - YES THAT'S A WORD!
2. Starts with T, rhymes with Freatment - YES THAT'S A WORD!

The process Abby is going through right now is hard. Very hard. And, it is bringing a lot of "dread" to Abby as each of these appointments approaches. Keep her in your thoughts the next few months. It takes a lot of encouragement to go to these "BEMO" appointments and put yourself through hell for a week. 

Keep up the fight Abby - THE DOG DAYS will soon be over. 

One last quick story I wanted to share. It really doesn't have much to do with this post, but I wanted to remember this story when this blog is done and we look back years from now. 

We attend a non-denominational church here in town that plays Contemporary Music. Basically, the first half of each service is a Rock Concert. It's not for everybody, but we love it. 

This morning as the first song was being played, I could see a little extra "bounce" in Abs as she sang. The so-called "bounce" continued through the entire song. At the end, she turned to me and said "I love when I know the song they play". 

As do I enjoy watching when you know the song, Babe. 

Keep up the fight. We'll find normal.


P.S. Special shout-out to our friend, Robby Strausser, whose surprise birthday party we were able to attend a couple weeks ago. One has greatly inspired the other. Both inspire me.