Monday, September 22, 2014

A Few Good Laughs

Abs is in surgery as we speak! Wait, am I speaking or am I writing? Or am I blogging? know what I mean.

We woke up this morning to roughly 1,214 posts, emails, texts and pretty much any other form of reaching out to us. Very sorry that we've hijacked everyone's News Feeds today, but man it's incredible. I know Abby feels the love.

So anyway, I dont do serious. I do funny. And so, I share with you a few things that really made Abby laugh out loud this morning. Great medicine before they wheeled Abby back......

1. Masectomy Jokes - You'd think Abs would be upset, but really she is fine with what is happening to her body. She is even willing to laugh about it. Here's a message from her friend that really got her going.......

2. Chucky...enough said. Well done Audrey Boyles.

3. A true sign of content.....laughing at your own jokes. Abs was quite proud of this one.

Talk to everyone later on.....Rossaroni

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, thinking about you and love you. This is your game Abby and Jesus is your Quarterback. So far you are both winning this hands down!!!
