Tuesday, April 29, 2014

12 Days After Surgery

Sooooo…….I know some of you are wondering……..I’M DOING GREAT!!

12 days after the surgery and today is the 1st day I haven’t taken any pain medicine! Truth be told, I probably haven’t needed any for a few days, but I wanted to be sure. So, if you see me driving around town……don't worry: the general public is safe. I certainly have some soreness from time to time, ESPECIALLY if Judd tries to crawl on my stomach. Overall though, there’s no real pain.  I get tired and winded a little easier but that’s to be expected. I’m not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds, so not being able to pick Juddy up is probably the most difficult part of it all. Of course, I’ve done it a few times…….like when he cries out “Momma”, HOW CAN I RESIST?!

Last Thursday, I received the final pathology report from the tumors removed. I must admit, I was a little “down” on the day I was supposed to receive the news. I figured it was better to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. I just didn’t want to set myself up to be too disappointed if the news wasn’t good (AGAIN!).

Well, the news was GOOD!

My lung cancer was confirmed as a primary lung cancer. The tumor was 1cm in size and the margins were clear, as well as the many lymph nodes on and around my lung. The staging is 1A.  Whoop Whoop! No extra treatment is necessary. Secondly, my kidney was confirmed as renal cell carcinoma, which was what we expected. This type is the 3rd most common type of RCC called chromophobe. Strange name and only like 5% of RCC are this type. The tumor was about 8cm in size so that makes it a stage T20…..stage 2 in layman’s terms. Also, no extra treatment will be needed for the kidney. Overall, for each individual cancer, the prognosis was good. Both cancers are gone! I have 7 small battle wounds to prove it! Praise The Lord for some great news! I celebrated with a glass of wine that night….it was my doctor’s orders after all. Who knew someone could be so happy about having THREE different CANCERS at the SAME TIME…well, it’s possible! Just to clarify, one last time… my breast cancer did NOT spread to any of those sites…each cancer is separate. This is why this is all such great news.

Today, I met with my oncologist here in Ocala, Dr. Reynolds. I officially have an appointment to start chemotherapy on Monday, May the 12th!  I also have a head MRI scheduled for this Friday. The MRI is basically for peace of mind. I do not have any symptoms that lead the doctors to believe that I have anything in my brain, but none of the scans thus far showed the brain, so we want to be safe. Before I start chemo, I will have a port placed. I decided to have that done in Ocala with Dr. Galanaro. It is an outpatient surgery and I would rather not have to drive home from Moffitt after the procedure. I am still waiting on an appointment for that, but I imagine it will be next week.

Soooo…….yeah………that’s whatsup! Thank you so much for everything that each of you have done for me. Ross and I pretty much shake our head in disbelief each night at your generosity.  

That’s all for now…….I’m going to have a glass of wine!


P.S.  How’s this for my next profile picture?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Necessary Lesson Learned

The phrase "Team Jones" has been used a lot over the past couple months; especially last weekend during Abby's surgery. I couldn't give an exact number, but I swear Team Jones is up to like 1,347 members. It's incredible, and you know what, EVERY one of those teammates is important. As they say, it takes an Army!

Like all teams; Team Jones has reserves, bench players, support staff, coaches, etc. There's also a starting lineup. This four person squad includes myself, Abby, and these two awesome ladies……..

Sister #1: Kristi

Duh….the one in the middle. Abby's mom didn't have kids at age 52.
The oldest of the three Williamson girls. A true Hippie (the first time we met involves a handshake through doorway hippie beads). A set of pearly whites that haven't taken a bad photo in their life. Mom, Aunt, Wife, Girl Scout Troop Leader……and one hell of a caregiver. 

For example, during the hospital stay, here's how a shower prep conversation would go with ME:

Abby - I think I need a shower.
Ross - Ok. How can I help? Should I come in to help or do you got it?
Abby - Uh, I just had an organ removed…..YESTERDAY
Ross - True. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I'll get your clothes ready. 
Abby - Thanks.
Ross - Do you want a shirt?
Abby - Uh, ya think?
Ross - True. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. What about pants?
Abby - Just &%*# put the #%$@# clothes #@$%^ PLEASE.
Ross - True. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. 

You get the idea. Here's how the same shower prep conversation would go with Kristi:

Abby - I think I need a shower.
Kristi - Ok, I'll get the water going. Give me a minute to get your clothes ready and then I'll be in to    help. Oh, also...if you want, I'll brush your hair AND brush your teeth when you get done so you feel fresh. 

This is not an exaggeration. This is April 18th and 19th of 2014 for me. Kristi is the most active and energetic Mom I have ever met; and she carries that energy over to her role as big sister. 

Of course, this is not to say she's a Saint. She's got flaws too: She really should wear more sunscreen. AND, a decade later, I still torment her about the time she had a late night and was stuck in a really long bathroom line. Regardless, she made me an Uncle eight years ago, plus she would do anything for Abs.  Works for me!

Sister #2: Carrie

The middle Williamson sister. Appropriately named "Care Bear" by pretty much all of her friends and family. Carrie is the kind of person we all need in our life. I'd guess during the decade I've known Carrie; we've probably enjoyed about 97 beers together. I've paid for zero. I think George W. Bush was in office the last time she let me pay for a meal. 

I was HORRIFIED the first time I heard about Carrie picking up a hitchhiker on the side of the road. For Carrie, that's just a nice Tuesday morning. 

Carrie's role on Team Jones is a lot different than Kristi's. The fact is, when Carrie walks in the room, the mood in the room immediately lightens up. We laugh. We tell stories. She's just got this presence that puts all of us in a better mood. Kristi and I take care of the physical: Getting Abs to appointments. Paying the bills. Making sure she's comfortable. Carrie takes care of the mental. And she's damn good at it. 

I have to add another "Design" story to the mix with Carrie. Up until about 6 months ago, Carrie was living the good life on the beach down in South Florida. As fate would have it, her company had a temporary job opening as an "Acting" General Manager in Tampa. Carrie took a leap of faith, left her comfortable lifestyle down in South Florida, and moved to Tampa. She BELIEVED she could earn the right to drop the "Acting" from her job title. Sure enough….she did. And of course, now that we've chosen the Moffitt Cancer Center; Carrie is just an hour away as opposed to 5 hours. In addition, she picked a house 5 minutes from Moffitt…….Design.

So, where the heck am I going here? What is this so-called Lesson Learned in the title?

If you know me well enough, you know I have a serious flaw…..Con….Con-trol…..Control Free…Ok, here goes….. 

"Hi, my name is Ross….and, I'm a control freak"

There…..I said it! No doubt this is true. It absolutely crushed me the first time a couple of my friends called me Dad. BUT, these days I've learned to just own it and make fun of myself for it. 

(Coincidentally, that's also the same method I used to get over my "Hott Mom" complex. Big thanks to my Shrink on that one!)

I entered last weekend thinking I needed to be Abby's nurse and I needed to be Abby's nutritionist. And basically, I thought I needed to be all things to Abby. The fact is…..I pretty much spent three days repeating the following: "True. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot". 

It finally hit me and the lesson was learned near the end of the hospital stay. With this particular circumstance in Abby's life, I cannot be the leader and just let the sisters ride in the backseat. I have no clue what I'm doing. It is clear this is a calling for the sisters, and the fact is, I've never seen these three more united in over a decade.

So instead, I'm going to let my two incredible sisters-in-law ride shotgun on this one. That is truly the best way for me to be a great husband to Abs. Going forward, it's my turn to relinquish control, sit in the back, go with the flow, and provide support. I'll be the rock. They can count on me….forever. Lesson Learned. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

An Update Through the Eye of the Lens

It's 10 pm and many have asked for an update. All is well! Abs is soundly catching some Z's. Instead of typing an update and potentially waking Abs up; I've decided to update you with the camera lens. What follows here takes you from literally the time I finally got to see her yesterday until tonight. You tell me how she's doing…..

                                                                (The wait was torture)

                                                     (First sip of water - mighty refreshing)

(My favorite….hope she doesn't kill me for this one)

("Hey babe - how's my breath?")

(First Walk Since Surgery, roughly 9 AM this morning)

(A Dad and His Baby)

(I was mugged, beaten, stabbed, and forced at gun point to go to Taco Bus)

(Oh…..And the rest of the family came too)

(Walk #2!)

(Wardrobe Change - Notice the matching pillow case….Thanks Tara!)

(Sister 1 - A Born Mom)

(Sister 2 - Born Awesome)

(Afternoon Snooze)

(Dinner Couriers)

(I told them to make serious faces)

(Evening shift change. Saying goodbye to the hero of the day……Nurse Julia)

Happy Easter to All! Do something with your families and take some photos along the way……..Rossco

Friday, April 18, 2014

12:25, 04/18/2014

12:25 PM - 67% of the cancers in Abby's body have been removed.

Timeline of Events - 04/18/2014, GOOD FRIDAY

4:00 AM - Alarm clock goes off. I like a 4 am wake-up about as much as a Vegan hot dog.

4:05 AM - Secondary alarm clock goes off. You can never be too sure!

4:07 AM - Bathroom. Nobody needs the details.

4:20 AM - Third alarm goes off. Ok, maybe I have some OCD.

4:22 AM - Abby enters the shower.

4:52 AM - Abby exits the shower. Longest shower of her life.

4:57 AM - Blow drying of her hair is complete.

5:02 AM - Straightening of her hair is complete. (Apparently you have to be stylish for surgery)

5:10 AM - Leave the hotel room and walk through the lobby. ALL of our family are already there to see her off.

5:13 AM - Turn on the car. The song on the radio is "Do Not Be Afraid"    (Design)

6:11 AM - Clothes off. Gown on. IV is in.

6:22 AM - The Pastor of Abby's mom's church arrives unannounced to pray over her. Abby is crying upon completion.

6:27 AM - The nurse anesthisis (back off on the spelling!!) arrives. He's great friends with our old friend Lindsey from Ocala. He's "picked" Abby on this day. I now feel very relieved. Although he's 6 foot tall and dreamy. Hm.

6:42 AM - Abby's breast surgeon stops by to give her a hug. I love that woman!

6:59 AM - The funny drugs are given.

7:01 AM - "My face feels heavy" -Abby

7:10 AM - "Time to say bye to your family" -Surgical Nurse

7:13 AM - "I love you" -Me

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wut ubout me???

Finaly, my Dad givs me a chanse to rite my owne blaug! Thu last fuw dayz have bin ausome!

First, my Dad maid me watch evry minit of a goff turnamint called Thu Masterz. He sez it is thu best sporteng evint in thu wurld.

Apairently, in my familly, Thu Masterz is a anual tradishin unlyke iny othur. Uncle Deej wuz their! And Ant Meggie! And evin Lellie and Granddad.

Necst, mom sed E-stir had maid it to our holm erly this yier! Mom and I hadd so mutch fun hunteng four E-stir egs. I shure luv my Mom.

Win I gott two scool on Munday, thu furst theng I asced my best fwiend Grant wuz iff he hadd fun hunteng E-stir egs.

He replide: Myne is necst weak.
Two Witch I replide: Sux two be yoo!

Witch remynds me; I wood luv a Yoo-Hoo.

In-E-Way; I half two go. It is my bedd tyme. My pairents siem two be packeng bagz four a tripp. Thay R wispuring, butt I hurd them sayeng that I am gowing two be at Granddad'z four a fuw dayz. Ausome!!!!!

Mom shure did hugg and kiss on me a lott twoday. We hadd so mutch fun twoday just me and hir. I can-knot wate until she comez holm. Shood be erly necst weak.

By-By Evryone.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Surgery is Scheduled!

Sorry we have been M.I.A. for the last week. Ross has been in CA all week for work, plus Juddy and I have been busy!  I’m glad Ross got to enjoy playing one of his “bucket list” courses while he was away too. It’s about to start getting difficult for him too, so I’m glad he got in some fun while he was away on business. We missed him terribly though. That was the longest stretch of time we’ve been away from each other in our 6 years of marriage (maybe even our whole relationship). Also, while he was gone, Judd came down with bronchitis. It’s never fun to see your little one not feeling well, but I’m always surprised at how resilient they are. He seems good as new now; just in time to welcome his Dad home!

So back to the title of this post, MY FIRST SURGERY IS FINALLY BOOKED! I received a call last Tuesday with my scheduled surgery date. The urologist and the thoracic surgeon have agreed to do both procedures during the same surgery. This is a good thing because we really need to get treatment started and this surgery will kill 2 birds with one stone. So, last Wednesday, I met with the thoracic surgeon to figure out with approach he was going to take to remove the small mass in my left lung.  Together, we decided to do a wedge resection of the mass in my lower left lobe and preserve tissue.

In case you’d like to know more…. http://www.cancercenter.com/treatments/wedge-resection/

If more cancer comes back down the road, they can always remove more tissue. In my case, it was best to preserve as much lung as I can. The thoracic surgeon will also biopsy lymph nodes on and around my lung while he’s in there so we can determine a stage. Both surgeons will be using a robot to help with the surgeries. The surgery will take about 6 hours to complete. Healing of the lung usually takes 1-2 weeks, but healing from my kidney being removed (a nephrectomy) will take 6-8 weeks. At least the pain will all be in the same general area! My right side is my good side anyway. J

Oh yeah…. so my surgery is scheduled this coming Friday, the 18th….also known as Good Friday!  

If that isn’t a great sign from above, I don’t know what is! GOD is good! I know He will be right there with me, and the surgeons, the whole way through! We’ve got this in the bag!  As far as hospital stay, I’m unsure of the duration. Like any surgery, it depends on how my body will respond. I’m planning for a 4-6 night stay.  We’re heading down to the “Moffitt Resort and Club” in Tampa Thursday afternoon to prepare for surgery.

My goal for the week is to stay healthy and enjoy my two favorite boys!

Happy 6 Years, Rossy!! <3


Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Conversation With One's Self

Hmmm, so what can I write about this week? There’s so many ideas running through my mind right now. How do I pick just one?

Come on Ross….Focus! Pull it together! AT LEAST 12 people are counting on you for mediocre jokes, poorly taken pictures, and an update on Abs.

Perhaps our readers want a “Behind the Scenes” look at the Jones Family?

Hmm….that could work. So what’d you do all week?

Lets see…..I made some egg salad. Turned out ok. Probably too much pepper. All in all I was pleased. 

What else? 

I recorded and watched the series finale of HIMYM three times. That was cool. I also got pretty good gas mileage this week. That’s worth celebrating.

Wow…..I’m a real loser. That’s not going anywhere.

You’re right. Ok, what else? Hm…..maybe a sappy story about the greatest day of my life?

That’s gold! I’ll even finish with some sappy bit about Abs that leads to one of those “AWWW” moments from the ladies. Oh yeah, I’m doing it!

So, the best day of my life…..which will I choose? Oh…I got it! First day of our honeymoon. 

No no no you idiot! Completely inappropriate!

True. Ok, think Ross, think! Uncle Morty needs a halfway decent post!

Screw it……keep it simple, Rossco. Just post a picture. Say something cute and be done.

That sounds good. Here’s a good one of Abs, Judd, Olivia the Great, and Nanananananana-Grantman! Judd’s adopted "siblings" across town.

Why is Olivia laughing and blocking her nose?

I think Grant farted.

Haha. I love that kid. 

Me too.

Wait, I am you. This is weird. Would you just get to the update on Abs already?

My bad. Lets see……the doctors called and said that Abby’s small (pea size) tumor on her lung is cancer. They had to do some tests to determine if it was kidney cancer, breast cancer, or perhaps just primary lung cancer. Lung cancer it is! No evidence of spreading from the kidney or the breast. A very good thing! Docs calling tomorrow or Monday to schedule pre-op. They plan to do the lung and kidney surgery at one time. 

Sooo…..you mean to tell me one mammogram has led to finding THREE different cancers, all likely stage one, and all found early in the game?


Man, that wife of yours…….total Bad@$$!
